Wild Prairie H-D Ride to The Wall that Heals - 42th Anniversary of the Wall

Event date: 
Thu, 08/22/2024 - 10:00am

Wild Prairie Harley-Davidson Ride to The Wall that Heals - 42th Anniversary of the Wall 

Join us for a ride to visit the traveling Wall that Heals in Hutchinson, MN where it will be on display at the McLeod County Veterans Park from August 22-25, 2024.

The Wall that Heals is a three-quarter scale touring replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. along with a mobile Education Center. This replica is 375 feet in length and stands 7.5 feet high at it tallest point. The wall honors the more than three million Americans who served in the U.S. Armed forces in the Vietnam War and bears the names of the 58,281 men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam.

More Information and Video on The Wall that Heals

More Information and Video on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Link to Mobile App for finding the location of a persons name on The Wall.

Lunch stop: TBD

Show up at Wild Prairie Harley-Davidson 15 minutes prior to departure with a full tank and empty bladder. All partcipants must check-in at front desk and attend the pre-ride meeting.

Kickstands up at 10:15am

Event location:
1st Ave NE
Hutchinson MN 55350

This event is being held by our sponsoring dealership.