We will be holding the annual Chapter Chili Cook Off prior to the meeting. We know we have many excellent cooks in the Chapter, and we look forward to sampling your chili recipe. Arrive early to test the chili and cast your vote for your favorites.
Bring utensils to server your chili. The Chapter will furnish cups, spoons, beverages, etc. Please plan to arrive around 5:30pm to set up.
Voting will be taken prior to the start of the meeting, and the winners announced at the meeting.
The 2024 Chafed Butt Challange drawing will be held at this meeting.
Dinner will be served from approximately 5:45pm until the start of the meeting, which begins promptly at 6:30pm. Arrive early and hang out with your friends and meet some new ones! Then grab some dinner and check out all of the new bikes, motorclothes, and parts & accessories in the dealership! While there is no charge for the meal, we will have the Pink Piggy Bank out for free-will donations to support our activities.
Closed Event: Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G. Chapter members. Closed Events are those events open to Chapter members and one guest per member.
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